Charlie Vanderbee

aka Briar Halleway

Age: 27-32, depending on the fic
Ethnicity: East Istrian (Nobility)
Powers: Healing, shape-shifting, plant growth/manipulation




A noble from a well-known ducal family in East Istres, Charlie is a bastard. His mother conceived him with her servant and secret lover, whom Charlie resembles to an uncanny degree. His legal father, Lord Byron Vanderbee, still required an heir and kept the boy. Charlie suffered abuse for years before being abducted into the Spectacular Six. His abductor, Thandi Kahsu, ended up charming him and so he clings to her quite avidly.




Charlie before the adventure
Charlie coming to Terms with his Feelings
Briar resolving to find Thandi
Briar learning himself
Charlie Fight Themes
like it reads on the tin
Charlie can sing!!
Charlie entering the Adventure
Charlie mourning Thandi, traveling alone
Briar meeting Raven
Briar Post-Arc
Caw Gronk
Evilbee themes
Gender-swapped Singing
