Good Saint Madoc where they put a bunch of writing Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:34:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 189022891 Borrow Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:34:25 +0000

Thinking of Her Mon, 09 Sep 2024 03:00:00 +0000

Right now he’s in the throes of his mad desire for her. Her hands grabbing the back of his head painfully as she tells him that she hates him with the same passion a lover might tell his partner something sweet. Her nails shred his back into strips as he pounds her dripping cunt. Her teeth sinking into his skin and marking him, scarring him, letting the world see how heated he is for this woman.
He fucks his hand harder, groaning with utter need. He wants her to take him and slam him against a wall, to snarl his own name at him. He has seen how strong she is. He wants to fill her with his seed and for her to declare how utterly vile he is, to validate the anger, the pain, the everything. He needs her to push him off a building knowing that she will be all the better for it.
To imagine a world where she could love him is impossible, so he will instead occupy her wholly otherwise.

MADLY prologue
Secret Kisses Mon, 09 Sep 2024 02:36:56 +0000 ]]> 1212 Leaning… Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:50:08 +0000
I’ll Be Back for Dinner Fri, 06 Sep 2024 02:33:12 +0000

“I hope that I can spend more time with you in the future,” he says quietly. He sighs right back at her and then he decides to simply move quickly, get it done. He leans down to kiss her cheek, then right on the corner of her mouth before pulling back and pushing the door open. “I’ll see you for my next meal.”

Happy Birthday, Charlie! (2024) Thu, 05 Sep 2024 01:20:54 +0000 Charlie is still running strong as my favorite character ever made and a persistent Special Interest. What a weird little guy!

All Nighter Mon, 04 Sep 2023 20:41:54 +0000

post session 6.6

Spent all fucking night with Thandi. She does not have a cloooooo

Fell asleep.

Making this entry as I wake. Ended up sleeping longer than usual. Solid six hours at least. Yesterday was eventful.

Firstly, Vitani. I believe she was pissed to begin with when I arrived. Awkward and moody woman. I tried to reason out that her teaching was lacking in guidance for Thandi and put her in a bad spot. Seems I wasn’t the only one to complain.

V spoke of removing Thandi from her post here. 

I do not wish for Thandi to be removed.

I spoke to Thandi at length (all night) and admittedly I rather think she would do well in Alleria as a whole. The poor thing does not have stars in her realm. No stars! How does one sleep at night without stars?

What the fuck?

After that we spoke further… She agreed to give me additional lessons while V procures an alchemist to teach me further brews. Thandi admits that V is slow on things (of course) and it will likely take some time.

And then we spoke further.

Thandi finished her new hairstyle. She baked me chocolate scones (shockingly good?). We spoke at length about evolution and magical creatures and stars and… everything. I lost track of time. 

I did not leave her room until she started stumbling over her words and we were both vetting quite tired. She has no.clock in her damned room. So many things in there and yet no.clock.

She was deliriously sleepy and yet somehow joyful. And of course S came out of his room to see her meowing at me like a cat while we were trying yet again to part. I think I said something I may come to regret.

So I believe I may have a new so-called “best” friend. Dean never was able to hold conversations like that with me before. I liked it. I think Thandi is… fun.

I will be returning for my lessons frequently. I do plan on making use of my watch now, though.

993 Mon, 04 Sep 2023 20:40:08 +0000

post session 6.4

Had a chat with C today. They took me out. Ate these street crepes… Boyoman good I can’t recall the name of. Am now their personal doctor. 

Productive conversation. Trying to talk to them. Ending up talking about myself. Need to work on that. It turns out that C is more than just reasonable. I think they’re quite good, actually. Honest and straightforward. 

Worked afterwards. The system of favors is interesting. I am wondering if I can earn a proper place here to live instead of the Center.

Happy Birthday, Charlie! (2023) Mon, 04 Sep 2023 20:35:55 +0000

Running strong since 2018! That’s five years of his existence. This year he’s getting a new start in a new game and getting to do things like make friends and read a shitload of books.

I bought a cake to celebrate.

Anguish Sun, 13 Aug 2023 22:54:22 +0000